The Insider's Guide to Marketing

In this article, I am going to share some marketing fundamental concepts that will help you to promote your products and services to your targeted consumers. And, how you can build your personal branding using marketing strategies.

This is a part of my assignment for the Digital Deepak Internship Program for week 2.

Here are some important topics that I have learned in the 2nd week of my internship program:

1) What is the Law of Marketing

2) Global Economics & Marketing

3) Digital v/s Traditional Marketing

4) CATT Marketing Funnel

5) Integrated Digital Marketing

6) Personal Branding

1)     What is the Law of marketing?

Marketing begins even before the product is created; however, marketing should never take precedence over product quality.

Law of marketing

Marketing plays a vital role to build brand awareness in the market. And, it also helps your business to reach targeted customers & converted them into sales, and keep an existing customer for a lifetime.

The Marketing of any product or service is all about how people perceive the product or service, not about its quality or functionality.

"It's better to be first than to be better."

People are always interested to see what's a new thing in the market than what's better in the market.

You'll need a wonderful product, but marketing ensures that customers not only understand the product but also have a positive experience of it.

Many businesses, such as Apple, Microsoft, etc, prioritize product quality over marketing.

2) Why entrepreneur should Learn Economics

Entrepreneurship is all about creating a product or service for the benefit of others. As business is all about people and relationships, it's crucial for every entrepreneur to know and understand how to best serve them.

We all know that marketing, product development, and every other part of the business is necessary, but economics also plays the same role in the business as important as marketing to serve your customers more effectively.

Economics is not only making about money. It includes how to invest in the business to get amazing returns like never before.

As a good result, every entrepreneur must know that economics is about human behavior and that every action taken must be consistent with a positive attitude.

3)  Digital v/s Traditional Marketing

Digital and traditional marketing is the medium where we can do our brand marketing in the market to reach the targeted audience.

Digital marketing v/s traditional marketing

Traditional marketing uses traditional media like magazines and newspapers, television, etc., whereas digital marketing uses digital media, such as social media or websites for marketing communication.

Traditional marketing is less effective and also more expensive, but digital marketing is less expensive and more effective.

Traditional marketing's return on investment cannot be measured, however digital marketing's return on investment can be easily calculated.

While traditional marketing is one-way communication in which the company passes information about the product or services, digital marketing is two-way communication in which, customers also provide feedback about the products and services in the form of reviews and other forms of feedback.

4)     CATT Marketing Funnel

Wealth = n^ CATT


As you can see in the image, n stands for a niche. A niche is a category for which you will provide products & services to the customer.

‘C’ stands for CONTENT: Content is the king! Create useful content related to your niche that attracts customers.

The information you can spread through blogs, emails, videos, podcasts, webinars, posts, and much more to generate leads.

‘A’ stands for ATTENTION: Using the different digital marketing tools like SEO, Ads, social media, helps to pull traffic to your content.

‘T’ stands for TRUST: Providing High-quality content, and personalized services to the audience helps to build trust in them.

The other ‘T’ stands for TRANSACTION: Converting your leads into customers with a natural sales method.

5)     Integrated Digital Marketing

Integrated digital marketing is a mix of various marketing strategies that come together to provide a cohesive online strategy for a business.

Integrated Digital Marketing

Here’s what it usually involves:

1) web development and design

2) Search engine optimization

3) Search engine marketing

4) Content marketing

5) Social media marketing

6) Paid advertising

People normally concentrate on one or two techniques of digital marketing but if you really wanna grow your business to the next level then you have to use all the techniques together in an integrated way.

The idea behind integrated digital marketing is that while each strategy has a limited impact on its own when used together, they can help you build a more effective online presence.

As you can see in the above picture if you have a structured marketing plan can benefit you in many ways:

  • Increased brand awareness
  • Higher Returns on Investment
  • Better conversions

6) Personal Branding and Mass Trust Blueprint

A personal brand leads to the growth of a strong identity in the marketplace. So the purpose of creating a personal brand is to motivate people to share knowledge and skills.

Why Personal Brand Is Important?

1) It helps you to gain brand awareness

2) It Helps You to stand out from the Crowd

3) It Inspires Trust in Your Audience

Here you can see a mass trust blueprint created by Digital Deepak here, and you may follow these six steps to become a master in your field:

Learn: To create a personal brand, you must first learn the necessary skills and then practice them frequently.

Work: The skill you have learned needs to be implemented in your work.

Blog: Once you have implemented the skills and gained a few years of experience in your work. Then you should start writing a blog based on your work.

Consult: Now you can better provide information to others through the blogs you write and the skills and work experience you have.

Mentor: Then you can conduct large seminars, meetings, and webinars to educate a large number of people. You can communicate with multiple people there.

Startup: You can start your own business by developing products or services that are based on your skills.


Marketing is essential for your business and your life since we are always trying to promote ourselves for the betterment of our lives.

In this blog, I have covered many important topics related to marketing such as financial goals, Indian economics, building a personal brand, and much more.

This blog is a part of my assignment for the Digital Deepak Internship Program for week 2. I would be grateful if you share your valuable feedback. Thanks!


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